Today's visit is a: Audio/Video Visit. I used the HIPAA compliant telehealth technology Epic Video Visit during the visit. This patient encounter is appropriate and reasonable under the circumstances given the patient's particular presentation at this time. The patient (or guardian) has been advised that this is a billable visit and also advised of the potential risks and limitations of this mode of treatment (including but not limited to the absence of in-person examination) and has agreed to be treated in a remote fashion in spite of them.
Patient location: Home
Provider location: Neurology Office- <City Location>
Video Visit
Total time:
HPI / Interim History:
Patient was last seen by neurology in J
Awake, alert, appropriate
The following portions of the patient's history were reviewed and updated as appropriate:
Review of systems: All systems are reviewed with the patient with pertinent positives and negatives as per HPI, as well as what is detailed below. All others are negative.
Current Medications:
Past Medical/Surgical History:
Social History: @TOBHXP@ @ALCHXP@