Lumbar Puncture Procedure Note
Indication: ***
Procedure preformed by: ***
Consent: Consent was obtained from the patient prior to the procedure. Indications, risks, and benefits were explained at length.
Procedure Summary: A time-out was performed. Standard precautions were followed. The patient was placed in the lateral decubitus. The area was cleansed and draped in usual sterile fashion using betadine scrub. Anesthesia was achieved with 1% lidocaine. A 20-gauge 3.5-inch spinal needle was placed in the *** lumbar interspace. On the *** attempt, *** colored cerebral spinal fluid was obtained. The opening pressure was *** cm H20. CSF was collected into 4 tubes. These were sent for the usual tests, including 1 tube to be held for further analysis if needed. A sterile bandaid was placed over the puncture site. The patient had no immediate complications and tolerated the procedure well. Estimated blood loss was 0.